Docker bitwarden_rs
Docker bitwarden_rs

docker bitwarden_rs

This, as a result, will mean that all my data will actually be in docker/bitwarden folder on my nas and not sandboxed in the container itself. Ofc you don't have to use that destination if you don't want to) to /data folder that BW image is using. So to recap, I have mapped docker/bitwarden local path (bitwarden is a subfolder of /docker folder that you will get after you install Docker. In the case of this BitWarden image, all data is stored in /data folder as indicated by instructions on the image web page. The left side is your local NAS destination where you want container folder data stored. In the image above I have mapped the left side (your NAS folder structure) to the right side (container mount path). Moving your data around regardless of what's hosting your container. As a result, even if something happens to the container your data will be safe and all you have to do is recreate the container and attach it to the same volume to get access to your data. The Volume tab is used to map files or folders from within the container outside to your local shared folder(s) on your NAS. That means that in the case of BW, all your imported data, long random passwords that you have defined are gone! Now that you have understood the importance of this let's configure an outside volume that will keep your data safe from this scenario. As a result, all your work will be reset and gone. This means that after you restart your container (reboot, NAS update, Docker update, docker image update) it will reset itself to initial settings. If you start working with your container, all information, configuration, data etc, are sandboxed inside the container. Read up on those so that I don't start messing with this tutorial too much, but in short, it means this.

docker bitwarden_rs

Now, this is the most important thing that needs to be done when working with containers. I use Heimdall for all my docker URL needs so this option is OFF (again, you can use it if you choose to do so). The desktop in this context is DSM desktop, not your computer desktop. Regarding shortcuts on the desktop, personally, I don't use it. Ofc this is an optional setting but still. The Auto-restart feature is nice to have ON in case you need to reboot your nas or Docker for that matter and want all your containers booting automatically.

Docker bitwarden_rs